Announcement from Silver Lake!

July 18, 2021

Dear friends of Silver Lake,

We have amazing news to share with you!

As of January 1st, 2022, we will officially become Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center.

Silver Lake is an amazing green place where all kinds of people gather to grow, play, and learn about themselves amidst God’s infinite love. In the summer, Silver Lake gathers people at camp. In the fall, winter and spring, Silver Lake gathers people in various kinds of retreats.  

We will always be Silver Lake, but the “Conference Center” part was confusing to many people. For example, when a parent goes online to find a camp for their child, Silver Lake might be far down the search list, as the words “conference center” don't mean camp. 

Updating Silver Lake's name to include "Camp and Retreat Center" will allow more people to find and attend Silver Lake, and more people at Silver Lake will help keep us strong and vibrant far into the future. 

I hope you will join us in celebrating Silver Lake's newest renovation and support YOUR camp and retreat center into the future.


Rev. Ryan Gackenheimer

Executive for Camps and Retreats, Silver Lake

Silver Lake Camp & Retreat Center

Silver Lake Camp & Retreat Center is a ministry of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ.
Click here to read our Mission Statement.

223 Low Road | Sharon, CT 06069 | 860.364.5526 | Fax: 860.364.1000 |